
Simplicity for all applications
OraClean is the family of rigid blade holders for generic applications, with the possibility of profiling the blade along the entire face in order to adapt the load to the conditions of the roll’s surface. OraClean doctors are simple and effective and can be used in all machine positions.
These products are mainly used on:
- Felt rolls
- Wire rolls
- Dryers
- Pope reel
- Calender rolls
OraClean blade holders are available with the following characteristics
- AISI 316L Stainless Steel
- With open structure for easier internal cleaning
- With reinforced structure for high loads
- In reduced size for use where space is limited
Based on the characteristics of the application, they are gravity-loaded or loaded through pneumatic rolls, oscillating or fixed. OraClean products can be supplied with a stainless steel support structure for wet areas or in treated and painted steel for dry areas.
OraClean doctors can also be equipped with OraFlow™, the paper removal system through air blowing, used following a paper sheet break.