Vacuum systems

To maximize a drainage system’s performances it is fundamental to have a vacuum system able to equate similar performances. For this reason, MTK supports its customers in the process of accurately sizing the various components that are part of the vacuum and auxiliary systems.

VRV-AF valves
The three-way automatic valve was designed to enable one to regulate the vacuum of the entire drainage in a timely and accurate manner.
To facilitate maintenance, the valve was realized with a simple and sturdy design.
The valve consists of an entirely stainless steel body, a high torque strength rotary actuator and a positioner with an integrated 24V DC powered encoder.
The shutter can also be cleaned automatically.

Control system
The system is designed to be easily accessible and intuitive.
Each element composing the vacuum system – from the automatic valves to the pumps management and the liquid ring water – can be easily controlled.
The system allows all control parameters to be changed and adjusted in order to optimize vacuum.
The system is realized so as to be expandable at any time and it can be used either as a stand-alone system or connected to any existing DCS already present in the paper mill.
It is also possible to upload production formulas in the system.

Vacuum gauge
The vacuum gauge is installed on each draining box subject to vacuum, then connected to the fan if the box is installed in the low-medium vacuum area, or connected to the pump if the box is installed in the high vacuum area.
The vacuum gauge is installed both on the operator side – to ensure that the operator can easily read the vacuum value inside the box – and on the engine side, between the separator and the vacuum regulation valve.

Pressure transmitter
The pressure transmitter is installed on the motor side before each automatic valve.
The transmitter consists of a sensor installed along the pipeline of each draining box subject to vacuum and it is able to instantly and continuously measure the vacuum values inside the pipeline, thus forming, with the MTK control valves and the control panel, an automatic vacuum regulation loop in order to improve machine performance and optimize consumption.